I know, it's very early, but a friend of mine and I hav been thinking of what matches could be added to the next SvR.
We have working ideas for the Bullrope Match and an "building-up" idea for the I-Quit match
Bullrope Match could work like this:
control type A:
Move Player: move cross
go to touch tb: move left analog stick
Control Type B:
Move Player: Left Analog Stick
move to tb: cross
Touching Turnbuckle, will be done on Mini-games:
first you have to go to it.
This is minigame number one (works like the lock up battle in SvR2006 if you're higher then opponent you'll move one ore two steps to tb. if he's higher, he'll pull you back.
at tb:
second mingame: we might be add more ideas but here is the first one: Would work like Submission A if you reaches the "normal" "tap-Out-Zone you touched the TB if he reaches the "normal escape zone" he'll pull you back.
the line starting point depends on the Damage of opponent.
and after each tb the line goes little bit back, so that he has a chance
adding this: if the first player taps touches the tb,player two will get the chance to also touch it with the sleeper-hold-submission meter(if he reaches the Touch zone, he'll also touches tb.
If each player has two lamps and they'Re moving to the last tb,
then we want to add something like the test of strength.........
all other buttons remain like in SvR2006
ok, now, you can post any ideas, rates hates and comments on our working