Post by bubbalhunt on Feb 6, 2006 23:58:52 GMT
Here are the formulas.
Candice:Home-Town: Milwaukee, Wis. Diva-weight RAW Dirty
Morphing: Head: 7,-68,-27,2 Eyebrows: 48,37,-48,40 Eyes: 20,5,-1,24,-3,-25,21 Nose: 29,-42,10,-38,6,3,23,-27 Cheeks: -22,-85,-16,18 Mouth: -81,-3,39,-53,13,-18,0 Jaw: -40,14,-36,-15,-8,-33 Ear: -23,16,-32,0 Morphing Cont. Hair: 54 = 95,61,26,100 OR 50 = 94,71,45,100 Eyes: 1 = 92,58,48 Eyebrows: 45 = 95,66,45,100 Lips: 34 = 98,58,50,100 FaceSkin: 8 Eyelids: 2 = 93,50,43 Body Type:-1 Advanced: Head: 36, 14, 17 Neck: -29,13,3 Chest: 31,14,11 Bust: 32,35,25 Shoulder: 14,17,3 Abs: -5,17,3 Waist: 14,3 Arms: -44,3,9 Hands: -42,-25,-12 Legs: -12,-4,-3 Feet -23,6,0 Height: 5'6 Body Skin: 1 = 95,57,49
Outfit: "Make sure Layers are in order and that ther are no blue layer boxes yet." Edit: Underwear: 2/1 = 42,48,50 Short-Hemline: 3/1 = 42,48,50 *Now it is time for the new layers in order* Short-Hemline: 32/1 = 43,0,59,100 "No Cut Sceen" Elbow Pads: 1/1 = 42,44,50,100 "No Cut Sceen" Knee Pads: 5/1 = 43,0,10,100 "No Cut Sceen" Shoes: 32/1 = 43,0,15 "No Cut Sceen" Belt: 9 = 93,0,47,93 "No Cut Sceen" Short-Hemline: 20/1 = 43,0,61,93 "No Cut Sceen" Pattern_Simple Back: 153 = Smallest Vert., Smallest Hor. "Place in center of upper white part of top to match the laces." = 40,0,28,100 "No Cut Sceen" Pattern_Simple Front: 145 = Biggest Vert. Biggest Hor. "Place down the middle of top starting at the top of the white part like where a zipper would be." = 40,0,29,100 "No Cut Sceen" Make-Up: 55 = 100,54,49,21 Make-Up: 116 = 95,0,37,52 Underwear: 5/1 = 43,0,48,100 "No Cut Sceen" Belt: 13 = 100,13,39,100 "No Cut Sceen" Body Acc.: 1 = 96,14,38,100 Pattern_Picture Front: 109 = Smallest Vert. Smallest Hor. " To make the star hanging on the necklace, right on the tip." = 0,0,40,100
Leyla:Hometown: Toronto, Canada Gender: Female Weight Class: 122-Divaweight. Match Tactic: your choice. Show: RAW
Morphing: Head: -16, 25, 33, -10 Eyebrows: -14, -58, -52, -18 Eyes: 0, 6, 2, 21, 0, -7, -5 Nose: 6, -33, -18, -33, -4, 2, 25, 3 Cheek: -38, 0, 10, 10 Mouth: -37, 40, 24, -22, 42, 0, -8 Jaw: 24, 12, -4, 1, -15, -22 Ear: -30, 39, -41, 0 Age: 0
Morphing-Continued: Hair: 55 ( 94, 54, 48, 100) Eyes: 2 (39, 49, 47) Eyebrows: 44 (94, 50, 44, 72) Lips: 30 (97, 59, 50, 100) Face Skin: 7 Eyelids: 17 (36, 0, 0) Teeth: 1 (98, 20, 54)
Body type: 0 Advanced Options: Head: 20, 10, 30 Neck: -30, 9, 3 Chest: 22, 17, 3 Bust: 14, 38, 14 Shoulder: -22, 12, 0 Abdomen: -16, 3, -25 Waist: 9, -8 Arms: -29, 0, 0 Hands: -7, 0, 0 Legs: -16, -36, -19 Feet: -55, 0, 0
Body Skin: 1 (95, 55, 50) Body Height: 5'6
Edit: Underwear: 8,1 (6,41,53) Short Hemline: 24,1 (5, 40, 100)
Head: Make-Up: 116 (40, 45, 46, 34) Make-Up: 1 (100, 50, 43, 100) Make-Up: 55 (96, 50, 59, 72) Piercings: 28 (88, 50, 50)
Torso: Body Accessorie: 2 (90, 50, 50, 100)
Arms: Arm Accessories: 42 (5, 45, 58, 100) Arm Accessories: Left Only: 17 (5, 54, 63, 100)
Legs: Skirt: 34 Belt: 14 (5, 40, 64, 100)
Feet: Shoes: 1,1 (5,40,100)
A.I. Fighting Style 1: Grappler A.I. Fighting Style 2: Brawler Crowd Sing: 1: Page 9: 1st sing Crowd Sing: 2: Page 11: Diva Seach Looser Advance: Move: Aggressive Irish Whip: Less Diving Moves: Less Taunt: Often
Status: Strength: 4.5, Submission: 3, Durability: 5, Tech: 4, Speed: 7, Charisma: 5, Hardcore: 3, Stamina: 5.
Move set: Joy Giovanni's "Change Finishing Move One into Cat Fight"
Entrance: Advanced Stage: Joy Giovanni, None, None, Pink 01, off, Cameras are all 01. Ramp: Joy Giovanni, None, None, Pink 01, on, Cameras are all 01. Ring In: Normal 01, None, None, Pink 01, off, Cameras: 02, 02, 01, 01. Ring: Joy Giovanni, None, None, Pink 01, off, Cameras: 01, 01, 02, 02.
Movie: Logo Music: Joy Giovanni.....