Post by hbkandhartscrewed on Feb 6, 2006 21:23:56 GMT
my wrestlemania 22 money in the bank cross brand kane vs lashley vs mark henry vs edge vs rvd vs mr kennedy single kane vs big show womans title triple threat trish vs mickie vs victoria special ref ashley cruiserweight open like at wrestlmania xx i quit vince vs hbk intercontinental title steel cage ric flair vs edge 3 stages of hell united states title chris benoit vs booker t first match single second ironman third steel cage john cena vs triple h wwe title hulk hogan vs stone cold undertaker vs mick foley hell in a cell rematch
main event rany orton vs kurt angle world title
Latino Heat R.I.P
Posts: 117
Post by nedved on Feb 14, 2006 19:05:05 GMT
Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold???
Post by KnifeEdge™ on Feb 14, 2006 19:06:35 GMT
7.5/10, edge in two matches
Post by Chamani on Feb 14, 2006 19:16:44 GMT
Edge has two matches ? Money in the Bank and the Match with Ric Flair ? a little much, or ... ? ^^
Undertaker vs Mick Foley is a good idea. The Womans Title Match is not so good, Spec.Ref. Ashley ??
6 - 7 / 10