I don't think he posts here although I could be wrong. Any other CAWs try
www.cheatsforplaystation2.com/wwe/main.htmlRandy Orton – Created by Bhangra Man
Pics at:
www.geocities.com/pes22001/Orton.html www.geocities.com/pes22001/Ortonbanner.html Base Edit: Normal:
Skin Color: 3, C(-88,9), S(4)
1.) Skin:5
2.) Face edit:22, cheeks:17
3.)eyes:10, c(-5,-3)
4.)eyebrows:20, c(-93,-67)
5.)here there are three possibilities for hair a.)main hair :18, c(-94,-69),s(26)
b.)hair:8: make blackish
c.)hair 121: make blackish
6.)underwear:blank:6, c(35,-20), s(-100)
7.)face accessories:9, t(23), c(-98,-3)
8.)face accessories: 73, t(-28), c(-97,-20)
9.)face accessories: 64, c(-92,-14), s(11)
10.)face paint: 78, t(-35), c(-93,-14), s(40)
11.)design>face>letters>sign> ' ( ' , reduce 1*, rotate 1*, t(-60), c(-96,-51), s(6)
**now creating the shaven hair effect around the ears
12.)design>face>simple pattern 166, rotate 1*, reduce 1*, T(-25), C(-91,79), S(-37) place on left sideburn
13.)design>face>simple pattern 166, rotate 1*, reduce 1*, T(-25), C(-91,179), S(-37) place on right sideburn
14.)design>face>simple pattern :159,reduce 2*, T(-39),C(-96,11),S(-59 )place just above left ear (your left ) in sideveiw
15.)design>face>simple pattern :159,reduce 3*, T(-53),C(-91,3),(-62) place to the left of previous peice
16.)design>face>simple pattern :159,reduce 2*, T(-57),C(-92,41),(-51) place just below previous peice
17.)design>face>simple pattern :159,reduce 2, T(-50),C(-96,-6),(-51) place just above right ear on side veiw
18.)design>face>simple pattern :159,reduce 2, T(-70),C(-95,59),(-63) place to the right hand side of previous peice
19.)design>face>simple pattern :159,reduce 2, T(-67),C(-95,88),(-51) place just below previous peice
**Now for the tatoos on the back my advice turn the caw around and then place them
20.)design>pattern>left arm>simple pattern:51>T(1), C(-47,-58), S(-3) move all the way down and make sure its only visible in the back veiw
21.)design>pattern>right arm>tatoos::4, T(51), C(-84,-32), S(35) move it all the down and bring it to the back of arm , then in back veiw move it slighty to the right of center on the forearm
22.)design>right arm>simple pattern:104, reduce 1*, T(-71), C(22,-61), S(-100) move it all the down and bring it to the back of the arm and move slighty to the right of center of forarm and 15 clicks up
23.)design>pattern:right arm>picture:65, T(26), C(-63,-53),S(-68), place all the down on the arm and bring it to the back of arm and move it slighty to the left of center of the arm (only horizontally)
24.)design>pattern>left arm>wwe pattern: 42, rotate 2*,T(54), C(34,-3),S(-100 )place high on arm but not all the way up see pic
25.)design>right arm>simple pattern:11, rotate 2*,reduce 1*, T(28),C(-64,-70) place high on right and move it to the side
26.)design>pattern>body>tatoo:23>rotate 2*, reduce 1*,T(4),C(-78,-100),S(-29) place high on back as it goes and move it to left of middle
27.)design>pattern>body>tatoo:23>rotate 2*, reuce 1*,T(4),C(-78,-100),S(-29) place high on back as it goes and move it to right of middle
28.)design>pattern>body>wwe pattern: 32,rotate 2*, reduce 1*, T(0), C(-1,-70), S(41) place just below previous two peices but in the middle of both layers
29.)wristband:blank:2, L(-73), C(-100,-3)
30.)legs>kneepads : 7, C(24,-64), S(-100)
31.)Boots>black>others>12, L(-56), C(-100,-29), S(-100)
32.)design>pattern>body:tatoo:23, reduce 2*, C(19,70), S(-28) place on far right hand side of tights and make it visible in sideveiw
33.)design>pattern>body:tatoo:23, rotate 2*,reduce 2*, C(19,80), S(-29) place to left of previous pattern and make the pattern at least 3/4 visible in front view tights
34.)design>pattern>body>tatoos:48, reduce 2*,C(34,30),S(27) place on far left hand side of tights and make it visible in sideveiw
35.)design>pattern>body:tatoo:23, reduce 2*, C(19,70),S(-28) place to the right hand side of previous pattern and make it connect with it and make it just about 2.5/4 visible in front veiw
**Now spell ORTON across the back of tighs
36.)design>letters>alphabet: O, reduce 2*,C(32,100), S(-51)
37.)design>letters>alphabet: R, reduce 2*,C(32,59), S(-57)
38.)design>letters>alphabet: T, reduce 2*,C(41,66), S(-51)
39.)design>letters>alphabet: O, reduce 2*,C(28,82), S(-44)
40.)design>letters>alphabet: N, reduce 2*,C(28,82), S(-44)
Head (9),86
Chest (33,-12)
Shoulder (-83,-14),-12
Abdomen (-31,-23),54
Arms (-25,6), -35
Forearms (-26,-12), -91
Hands (-89,-12),-39
Waist (9,-51)
Legs (-13,-25),0
Ankles (-47,-36)
Height 6'5"