Post by thefirestillburns on Sept 3, 2005 9:04:01 GMT
I have started to notice a pattern on ign's WOTD, so here it is:
Right the countdown started on a Thursday with Undertaker, a main eventer. Every other day in the week has been either jobbers or divas and on Thursday, again there was another main eventer, Randy Orton.
So in theory, next week we will get divas and/or jobbers everyday except Thursday when there will be a main eventer.
Post by BloodHound™ {Purple Cobras} on Sept 3, 2005 9:16:08 GMT
Wow, good thinking!
Post by Conor on Sept 3, 2005 9:18:28 GMT
That makes sense.. but what does WOTD mean?
Post by thefirestillburns on Sept 3, 2005 9:28:28 GMT
WOTD = Wrestler of the Day
Post by Conor on Sept 3, 2005 10:20:38 GMT
oh ok, thats what i was thinking...
yeah you might be right about thrusday main event day, but think about it: Orton and Undertaker on Thrusday...Smackdown is on thrusday...main event smackdown superstars on thrusday....
Post by Big Red Machine™ on Sept 3, 2005 15:33:44 GMT
Nice discovery thefirestillburns.
Post by TheUndershaker on Sept 3, 2005 15:36:29 GMT
maybe check out what happens today
then we will see, if your idea is right!
Post by v1.5 - Punk'd ! on Sept 3, 2005 15:56:29 GMT
I don't think there is a wrestler today... ^^^
Only in week days.
Post by Goku GT on Sept 3, 2005 17:35:21 GMT
Theory is sound, we will have to see what happens this wee.
Up and Comer
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Posts: 354
Post by Xhumation on Sept 3, 2005 18:27:04 GMT
Makes a lot of sense, we will see if it's true on thursday
Post by TheUndershaker on Sept 9, 2005 20:51:44 GMT
seems if you are right!
yesterday it was Kane!!!
Post by Jerichoholic on Sept 9, 2005 20:55:37 GMT
WOTD = Wrestler of the Day I thought it stood for word of the day (something I had in elementary school)
Post by Conor on Sept 9, 2005 21:10:42 GMT
well main event trusday it seems... and jobber tuseday.